Emulator Preventing Tricks
One application of reverse engineering is the creation of emulators of old systems. This is often done to preserve the technology and to address the lack of access to functioning hardware. One such...
View ArticleRaspberry Pi as an Amiga Floppy Drive
As you probably know, the combination of retro computing and tinkering with embedded platforms tickles the mind of us here at DigitalFanatics. Someone who really hit that spot is Maurizio Ramondo and...
View ArticleImpressive 6502 Home Computer
Dirk Grappendorf has been working on a serious looking MOS 6502 based computer. Over at his site, you can follow his development diary. The computer was developed between September 2014 and January...
View ArticleRetro Arcade Repairs
A friend of mine, kralleman, is crazy about retro games and their hardware. I mean properly crazy. Crazy enough to appear on national TV, as well as having three episodes of a local retro gaming show...
View ArticleCompiling for the C64
CC-BY Conor Lawless Michael Steil from pagetable just posted a nice article on the art of migrating software to newer systems. Basically, he has built the code of a project started back in 1995 today....
View ArticleRetrospelsmässan
It is time for another round of Retrospelsmässan – the retro gaming fair #1 in Sweden. Can't see the video in your RSS reader or email? Click Here!
View ArticleKryoflux – low level floppy controller
When working with retro computers, you sooner or stumble upon aged disk media. Unfortunately data is lost. Various solution exists such as gotek, C64FC or custom hacks. However, when encountering old,...
View ArticleMEGA65 – a modern 8-bit system
Paul Gardner-Stephen and MEGA, museum of electronic games and art, just announced the MEGA65. It is a modern day 8-bit computer. It is compatible enough with the C64 to run old ROMs and programs, while...
View ArticlePython without an OS
Josh Triplett just did a presentation at PyCon demonstrating Python running in GRUB and EFI. He has a full interactive Python 2.7 environment, including the ability to peek and poke at memory,...
View ArticleTransistor level Atari 2600 simulation
Based on the work from visual6502.org, Greg James has put together a transistor level simulation of the Atari 2600 console. The entire project is available from github. The simulator runs slowly, but...
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